register a student

Agent: Client Registration

Use the quick links to get started on the registration process. If you need further details, explore our how to register guide below.

Quick Registration Links

Register and pay for courses

Click the Register Now link to enter our registration system. Search for the appropriate courses, fill out applicable application forms and provide payment.

Register Now

Complete Agent Registration Form

After registering and paying, please complete the Agent registration form.

Download Form

Complete Authorization Form

After registering and paying, if your student is new, please complete the Authorization of Representative form.

Send your Agent/Authorization Forms

Email your completed forms to to complete the registration process.

Submit Agent Forms

Agent Information   |   Agent Client Registration

How to Register

The following steps describe how to register your clients in the English Language Program or International Professional Programs

  1. Go to the registration system 

    Go to the registration system for ESL/EAP programs or International Professional Programs.

  2. Search for your course(s) and select section(s)

    Search for the course and choose the section with the appropriate date and delivery format and click the Add to cart button. 

  3. If you want more than one course, click keep shopping

    To select additional courses, click Search Again on the left top corner of the page.

  4. When you are done, click checkout

    Please do not use the back button on your browser or your registration will be cancelled.

Create a new user or login as an existing user.


  1. New Students

    Select New User and enter the student's email address. 

    Please be sure to write the student's last name (family name) and first name (given name) as it appears on their passport.

    Select your agency from the "For International Student Agency Use Only" section of the profile, but please do not click "Copy Address" button. ONLY student’s personal information is required in their profiles.

  2. Returning Students

    Students who have previously attended UCalgary should login using their UCID number and password.

Once logged in, you will be prompted to complete applicable application(s).

  1. Submit application(s)

    A $200 non-refundable application fee will be added to your cart, if applicable.

    Please agree to the terms and submit the application. 

  2. Other application(s)

    You might be asked to fill out other applications depending of the courses you chose.

    Complete each page of the application and submit the application.


  3. Continue with Registration

    Click Continue with Registration to move to the checkout.

There are two methods of agent remuneration: Gross Payment (Agent pays full tuition and invoices ELP for commission) and Net Payment (Agent collects full tuition and pays full tuition less commission)

For further details view the payment options page in our agent package

Students will be registered and a letter of acceptance will be sent only after we have received the necessary fees. All fees are payable in CANADIAN dollars. 

When checking out choose one of the following payment options:

  1. Option 1: Credit Card Payment

    Select Credit Card to pay standard tuition by Visa, MasterCard, or American Express online. If paying the agent rate, do not use this option. 

  2. Option 2: All Other Methods

    Select Pay by another payment method and choose Agent Invoice. This option includes all deposits, all non-credit card payments, and agent reduced tuition credit card payments. Send agent registration form indicating the method of payment.


  1. Agent Registration Form

    Complete the Agent Registration Form that can be found in our agent package

    Please be sure to indicate your method of payment.

  2. Authorization of Representative form

    Complete the Authorization of Representative that can be found in our agent package. (New student registration only)

  3. Email Agent forms

    Send Agent forms to